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Vitamin D3

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Vitamin D3 Information

Vitamin D3, also known as cholecalciferol, helps your body to absorb calcium. It is the most potent in the vitamin D family and is found naturally in high-fat food sources. Low levels of vitamin D3 can cause depression, fatigue and muscle weakness.
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What is Vitamin D3?
Vitamin D3 is produced in the body when the sun comes into contact with special receptors in the skin. Since wearing sunscreen inhibits this process, your body doesn't get enough exposure to produce the required amount of vitamin D3 for your body to function optimally.

Vitamin D is identified as vitamin D2 and vitamin D3. Vitamin D2 is found in plants, while vitamin D3 is found in animal products and produced when the skin is exposed to sunlight. This is where vitamin D3 supplements come in. Vitamin D3 is the more potent of the two variants.

Those at risk for vitamin D3 deficiency include seniors, breastfed babies, darker-skinned adults and gastric bypass patients.

Vitamin D3 Benefits for the Body
Health care providers recommend vitamin D3 supplements. The widest range is available from Mr Vitamins in Australia. Vitamin D3 supplements come as tablets, chewable, liquid drops or capsules.

Vitamin D3 has the highest potency and will replenish your deteriorated levels quickly. Vitamin D3 benefits are diverse and include the following:

Vitamin D3 and calcium go hand in hand for bone health. Vitamin D3 assists bones in the absorption of calcium. If you have low levels of vitamin D3, your body will not be able to absorb enough calcium, and your bone density will start to deteriorate. This can lead to more frequent fractures and osteoporosis in seniors.

Research has found a link between vitamin D3 and muscle health. Healthy levels of this vitamin can lead to more muscle mass, leaner muscles and better muscle function.

Vitamin D3 is essential for a healthy immune system. It aids the body in fighting viral and bacterial infections that can cause pneumonia, COVID-19 and other respiratory infections.
The best vitamin D3 supplements in Australia can be found by searching Mr Vitamins store locations.

Mental Health
Scientists are not yet certain if low levels of vitamin D3 cause depression or depressive behaviours, like poor eating habits. Further research is being done.
However, increasing your vitamin D3 levels can positively impact your mental health. If vitamin D3 is taken with antidepressants, you might see relief from depression symptoms faster. Vitamin D3 has also been linked to reducing the severity of symptoms of dementia and other cognitive disorders.

Anti-inflammatory Effects
Low levels of vitamin D might cause allergies, asthma and eczema. Taking vitamin D3 supplements could assist in healing the symptoms, as well as prevent further flare-ups.

Heart Health
Heart disease, strokes, high or low blood pressure and heart attacks are the leading symptoms of low levels of vitamin D3. Keeping your heart healthy is the secret to longevity, and a vitamin D3 supplement might be helpful in preventing long-term heart damage. As your heart muscle improves, so will your other heart functions.
Sources of Vitamin D3

Carnivores will rejoice, as the highest vitamin D3 is found in salmon, eggs, cow's milk, cheese and liver. Vegetarians will find vitamin D2 in lentils and other legumes, but vitamin D3 is the powerhouse. It is recommended that vegetarians take a supplement.
You can increase your vitamin D3 levels by absorbing sunlight, adding fatty fish to your diet three times a week and taking vitamin D3 supplements.
Vegetarians must look for foods fortified with vitamin D3 to reach their required daily amount.

Recommended Daily Dose for Vitamin D3
A health practitioner should determine your required dosage of vitamin D3 with a blood test. This will give valuable information about your vitamin D3 levels and how much you need to take to reach the optimum level of vitamin D3. A blood test is also the safest way to prevent overdosing on vitamin D3.

A recommended daily dose for adults 18 and over is 1000 IU of Vitamin D3. This will meet the needs of your body's daily use. For those aged 70 and over, clinically obese or gastric bypass patients will need 2000 IU daily. It is recommended that you do not exceed 4000 IU per day.

Where Can You Find Vitamin D3?
Vitamin D3 can be found in foods rich in fatty acids, like salmon and eggs. You can also get more sun, but the risk of UV damage to your skin is greater. The easiest way is to take a vitamin D3 supplement.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is vitamin D3?

Vitamin D3 helps to increase the intestinal absorption of calcium and magnesium. It is fat-soluble, meaning it is present in healthy fats found in food like salmon and eggs.

How much vitamin D3 should I take daily?

You should take a minimum of 1000 IU of vitamin D3 per day. However, that might only be enough to supply your body with what it needs. In some cases, a dose of 2000 IU is recommended to raise vitamin D3 levels in those with deficiency.

What is the difference between vitamin D3 and vitamin D?

Vitamin D comes in two primary forms: D2 is in plants and Vitamin D3 is found in animals. Also known as cholecalciferol, your body uses vitamin D3 from animal products like salmon, liver and eggs, and converts it into a usable form to assist calcium absorption.

How long before I see the results of taking vitamin D3 daily?

Starting with a 1000 IU dose of vitamin D3, you may start to feel the results in three to four months. Taking a 2000 IU dose could result in faster results and assist in body functions quicker.
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