The Mindful Pantry Spice! Nigella Sativa (black cumin, black caraway, nigella, kalojeera, kalonji or kalanji), has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. When taken with turmeric, the bioavailability (absorption) of curcumin (turmerics' active ingredient) increases 20-fold!
The black cumin seeds taste like a combination of onions, black pepper, and oregano. Sprinkle on soups, salads, stir fries and curries. Or blend up in your smoothie or juice.
The Mindful Pantry Spice! Nigella Sativa (black cumin, black caraway, nigella, kalojeera, kalonji or kalanji), has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. When taken with turmeric, the bioavailability (absorption) of curcumin (turmerics' active ingredient) increases 20-fold!
The black cumin seeds taste like a combination of onions, black pepper, and oregano. Sprinkle on soups, salads, stir fries and curries. Or blend up in your smoothie or juice.