The traditional medicine systems of the world all have one thing in common, they all recognise the important role the mind plays in health and wellbeing.
The mind and its relationship to the body is a fascinating topic. You may have heard about the gut-brain axis, but what about the heart-brain axis or the liver-brain axis? Each of these provide an understanding of the key role the mind plays to overall health.
Our mind is so powerful – it helps us to understand and process the world around us – making decisions, applying logic, encouraging rational thinking, while also storing and recalling each of the experiences we have in life.
The mind and its relationship to the body is a fascinating topic. You may have heard about the gut-brain axis, but what about the heart-brain axis or the liver-brain axis? Each of these provide an understanding of the key role the mind plays to overall health.
Our mind is so powerful – it helps us to understand and process the world around us – making decisions, applying logic, encouraging rational thinking, while also storing and recalling each of the experiences we have in life.
In the same way that the body affects the mind, the mind is also capable of great effects on the body – which is why it’s so important to be kind to your mind!
Your mind may also have moments when you can be forgiven for feeling like it’s taking over. You may have experienced this if you’ve ever realised you’d forgotten something important, or that something wasn’t quite right – instantly you begin to feel the physical effects of stress or mild anxiety – a sick sensation in your stomach, an increase in your heart rate or maybe even the dreaded onset of a cold, clammy sweat.When times like these occur - it’s more important than ever to be kind to your mind and put your mind at ease!
Mind-friendly activities include practicing gratitude, walking in nature or simply closing your eyes and listening while you take long, slow breaths. Mindfulness is a very effective technique to practice and incorporate into everyday life as part of your being kind to your mind commitment. You could also add in Herbs of Gold Mind Ease, supporting both a healthy stress response in the body while at the same time relieving the symptoms of mild anxiety.
Herbs of Gold Mind Ease features Ashwagandha from KSM-66®, an award-winning, full-spectrum extract standardised to >5% withanolides, the key constituents associated with the health benefits of Ashwagandha. Mind Ease is a combination of Ashwagandha and Lavender. Herbs of Gold Mind Ease relieves the symptoms of mild anxiety, while also supporting nervous system health.
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