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12 tips for using Lavender Essential Oil

12 tips for using Lavender Essential Oil
  • Health advice
  • Apr 27, 2015
Lavender is an amazing oil, and can be used in so many ways, but not all lavenders are created equal. Today’s story is about Lavender Angustifolia which is known as the “True Lavender” and 12 tips in how to use it (there are many more too).

The Lavender Difference – what you need to know

There are more than 20 species of Lavender worldwide, however there are 3 key species within the Lavender genus (Lavendula) from which Lavender oil is produced. These 3 species are all found in Provence in the south of France, the largest lavender-producing region in the world. The 3 species are known as “True” Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), “Spike” Lavender (Lavendula latifolia) and Lavendin (which is a hybrid of True Lavender and Spike Lavender). Most of what is sold as “Lavender oil” around the world today is either synthetic, it’s Lavendin or it’s True Lavender oil with synthetic additives to extend it. Lavendin differs greatly in its effects and its chemical profile from True Lavender, and has a higher camphor content. This means that whereas True Lavender is often used to help with burns, Lavendin will exacerbate a burn due to its camphor content. Lavender and Lavendin oil smell similar – Lavendin is a little more camphorous in its odour, and hence to most people’s noses it possesses a slightly stronger “Lavender” smell to it. So what do you do if you want to buy the True Lavender. You find a supplier of authentic essential oils like Young Living who are now the largest buyer of True Lavender in the whole region of Provence.

The first 3 tips for using Lavender

These tips have been written for using authentic essential oils, when using these tips, please bear in mind the usual guidelines for safe use.
  1. Lavender for Knocks: Smooth on a drop of authentic lavender essential oil as soon as possible to soothe knocks and bruises.
  1. Cut yourself shaving? Apply authentic lavender essential oil to soothe and cleanse. Genuine lavender essential oil also makes an appealing aftershave with a fresh, herbal floral scent that’s not too flowery.
  1. Lavender for Laundry Put 20 to 30 drops of true lavender( Lavandula angustifolia) essential oil in a spray bottle of distilled water, spritz clean laundry while still damp before hanging out to dry. It makes your linen and clothes smell beautiful and also keeps your wardrobes and linen press smelling fresh and lovely when you put the clothes away. If you’d like a stronger fragrance, simply add more lavender to the bottle.

Plus 9 more tips to enjoy the benefits of Lavender

  1. Calming - rub on the soles of the feet then cup hands over your nose and inhale)
  2. Substitute for Counting Sheep- rub a drop between your palms, inhale then smooth over your pillow
  3. Minor skin irritations- mild burns, insect bites, cuts, irritations, acne, eczema, psoriasis, stretch marks, scar tissue, dandruff, rashes — dilute with carrier oil as needed
  4. Sparse hair - rub a few drops between your palms and fingers then massage your scalp all over for 5-10 minutes daily — add rosemary and cedarwood for extra potency
  5. Deodorant- apply to the armpits
  6. Hay fever- rub a drop between your palms and inhale
  7. Insect repellent for you and your clothes- for you: add to a natural skin toner in a spray bottle with Young Living Purification™ and patchouli if you have them / for your clothes: put a few drops onto cedar chips or balls in your wardrobe, top up regularly
  8. Cold sores- apply a drop directly to location
  9. Motion sickness - apply a drop behind the ears or around your tummy button — or both if you need to pull out all the stops
          (Reference: www.thegoodoildaily.com and info@healthgarden.com.au)        

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