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6 Reasons Why You Should Eat Grass-fed Butter

6 Reasons Why You Should Eat Grass-fed Butter
  • Health advice
  • Jun 03, 2016
It was generally believed that too much butter is bad for your health. Today however, you should  know that eating grass-fed butter, especially organic, can actually benefit your health in a number of ways. For over 50 years now, saturated fat and cholesterol have been unfairly condemned because they were believed to increase individuals' risk of heart disease. However, research has proved not only that inflammation causes heart disease, but also that grass-fed butter can help reduce inflammation while improving your overall health.

The many faces of Grass-Fed Butter

  1. Readily available supply of Butyrate Another type of fatty acid, butyrate supports energy production and digestive health. Cells in the large intestine prefer to use butyrate for energy and in turn butyrate prevents or heals leaky gut syndrome. These actions indirectly boost immunity and fight cancer.
  2. Rich amount of Vitamin K2 and D3 Vitamin K2 works with vitamin D3 to help your body regulate calcium to avoid the development of gall or kidney stones, osteoarthritis, or calcium deposits in the heart. Indirectly, this process also fights cancer, promotes circulation, strengthens bones, and maximises immunity.
  3. Ideal Omega-6 to Omega-3 balance The first benefit of grass-fed butter is its ideal balance of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids (approximately 2:1 or 1:1). These ratios of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and optimise cellular function.
  4. High CLA content Conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA, is another fatty acid essential to good health and grass-fed meat and dairy products contain some of the highest amounts of CLA. CLA also suppresses inflammation throughout the body while stabilising blood sugar, boosting metabolism, and fighting cancer.
  5. Abundant Saturated Fat and Cholesterol One tablespoon of grass-fed butter contains 63% saturated fat and 31 mg of cholesterol. This is good because this duo improves hormone regulation and cellular function. They also increase good HDL cholesterol levels and convert bad LDL cholesterol into an safe form.
  6. Concentrated Vitamin A and E Feeding cows grass ultimately concentrates anti-oxidants into the dairy products they produce. One of those anti-oxidants is the fat-soluble form of vitamin A known as retinol. Retinol benefits vision, nervous system function, immunity, skin health, and hair health. The other anti-oxidant, vitamin E, reduces oxidative stress in the blood vessels thereby reducing your heart disease risk.
Clearly, grass-fed butter is worthy of adding to your diet. If you do not know where to find it or if you cannot eat dairy products, ‘Ask a Naturopath’ for assistance or some suggested alternatives.

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