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August Fresh – Is your food good enough to eat?

August Fresh – Is your food good enough to eat?
  • Health advice
  • Aug 10, 2014

Is your food good enough to eat?

  • When and where was your food grown?
  • Was it grown without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides or genetic engineering?
  • What happened to it on the way to the markets?
  • What is it that makes your food good or bad?
Being aware that your fruit and vegetables are seasonally fresh, choosing organic food and washing fruit and vegetables well are all great steps towards nourishing your health. A diet rich in plant based wholefood helps to nourish and support your immune system while helping you recover from the day to day demands of everyday life.
See also: Janne's article "An Apple a Day keeps the Doctor away"...

What’s in season in August?

Eating seasonally is being attuned with nature’s wisdom. Now that we are in our coldest month comforting and warming food will help to nurture and sustain us.

What fruit is best in August?

,,, Apples,Banana,Cumquat,Grapefruit Kiwifruit,Lemons, Mandarins,Oranges – Navel Oranges – blood,Pomelo,Rhubarb,Strawberries Tangelos,

What vegetables are best in August?

 ,,, Beetroot,Broccoli,Brussels Sprouts,Cabbage Carrots,Cauliflower,Celeriac,Celery Fennel,Jerusalem,Kohlrabi,Leeks Okra,Onions,Parsnips,Potatoes Pumpkin,Silverbeet,Spinach

Bon Appetit from Naturopath Janne Ramsay!


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