- Health advice
- Feb 03, 2014
Ask yourself this question. Do you are suffer from?
- headaches
- constipation
- bloating
- bad breath
- skin blemishes
- and/or poor immunity
It may be that your body is trying to tell you something. Yes that's right!
Toxic build-up alert!
Detoxification is a natural process of elimination
Toxins are removed from your body via your large intestine, kidneys, lungs and skin, but when it is overloaded your body will not function as it should. The purpose of any detox plan is to take the load off the organs that detoxify your body, while at the same time supporting and improving their performance. After completing a detoxification program you should experience an overall feeling of vitality and wellbeing, with increased energy and digestive function.
Important detox points for you to consider:
- If you are looking at doing a detox it is important that you sit and plan the details and goals you want to achieve, and what exactly you will and won’t do during the 14 days we suggest.
- When planning diet and lifestyle changes it is especially important to look at what changes are necessary to make the biggest impact on your body’s eliminatory systems.
- When searching for a detox supplement pack it is important to look for one that addresses all your body's natural cleaning and elimination mechanisms such as the bowel, liver, kidneys and skin.
- Choose a month that you don’t have parties and functions to attend to give yourself the best chance of sticking to the detox, which will help to keep you focused and motivated.
- Invest in pure alkaline filtered water (buy a filter or fill up a drum at a friend’s place or a health food store) and double your current fluid intake. Increasing hydration will support elimination from all organs. Try and source the best water you have available to you- alkaline filtered water will hydrate and detox like no other water.
Mr Vitamins recommends:
Nature’s Sunshine 14 Day Detox Included are five unique natural products that work together to assist your body's natural cleansing and elimination mechanisms via the bowel, liver, kidneys and skin. These products include:
- 1 x Lower Bowel Stimulant - 100 Capsules
- 1 x LIV-A Formula - 100 Capsules
- 1 x Hydrated Bentonite - 946mL
- 1 x Liquid Chlorophyll - 473mL
- 1 x Psyllium Hulls Combination - 320g
When used in conjunction with a healthy eating plan Nature's Sunshine 14 Day Detox will help to improve your bowel and liver function, promote detoxification via the urinary and digestive tract. Find out more about Nature's Sunshine 14 Day Detox See also our article Detox Cheats: How to Get More Out Of Your Detox