- Health advice
- Mar 26, 2014
How do you help yourself when unwanted emotions seem to be running the show? One way is by using Essential Oils which can really help change your mood and outlook simply and gently with their amazing aromas.
Overcome Fatigue – Essential oils for Your Emotions
When feeling fatigued, exhausted and in need of energy, some ‘get up and go’ to get things done, then this blend applied over the kidney area can give you a quick boost:
- Scotch Pine – this warming oil gives a sense of confidence and strength, and can be used instead of eucalyptus in respiratory blends. It is a tonic to the kidneys and nervous system and can help during recovery from illness.
- Rosemary – known to be stimulating to the mind, and generally refreshing, this oil has been used for memory, pain, gout and liver.
Use in equal amounts, by 3 drops of each directly onto the area or into a teaspoon of jojoba oil. This quick fix is for occasional exhaustion and fatigue. If you suffer from ongoing exhaustion or chronic fatigue, or have kidney disease please see a Naturopath for a treatment specific to you.
Stress Relief – Essential oils for Your Emotions
I am often asked “which is the best oil for stress?”, and my answer is invariably, which oil do you love the most? Your favourite oil makes you feel good, and that helps you to feel less stressed. I have also found that we often bottle up our emotions, deny our stress, and soldier on, because it’s expected. If this sounds like you, then read on. In recent years new Australian oils have been introduced which have a profound effect on the emotional and physical levels. This blend is one I have use with many clients for all manner of pain, emotional and physical, or transition through change.
- Kunzea – key word for this oil is ‘support’, it provides a base and support emotionally so that you can face what life brings.
- Fragonia – my experience of this oil is that it can cause deeply held emotions to be released.
- Eucalyptus Blue Mallee – my favourite eucalyptus for its purifying and protective energy.
To use, blend in whatever proportion you intuitively feel is right for you, and add 4 to 6 drops to a diffuser. If you inexplicably start crying, then go with it and release the emotions you have bottled up. More Kunzea and less Fragonia will make the emotional release gentler.
Sleep Soundly – Essential oils for your emotions
Over the smell of lavender but need a good sleep remedy? Here are 3 alternatives:
- Patchouli – this one is your oil if you love earth smells, or can remember the hippy era fondly.
- Geranium – if flowers are your preference, then geranium is very healing to the soul as well as sedating to the nervous system.
- Orange – love the smell of citrus and get a little anxious? then sweet orange is your oil
Mix it up a little and create your perfect blend by combining any 2, or all 3 oils into a diffuser. Use the diffuser in the hour before going to bed, turn down the lights, and wind down gently until your body understands it is time to sleep.
Ease Depression – Essential oils for Your Emotions
Do you sometimes feel life is hopeless? That nothing is going your way? Have no motivation to get out of bed in the morning? That there is no one around to help?
Then let this blend remind you of what it’s like to not be depressed, and then consider what you need to do to get out of your depression:
- Sandalwood – imparts serenity and calmness, and helps over come isolation.
- Mandarin – brings out the playful energy of the inner child that can laugh effortlessly full of joy.
- Lemon Myrtle - fresh smelling and soothing, with the energy of a warm hug.
Good nutrition, herbal support, energy healing, counselling and sometimes medical intervention is needed to turn it around. If you are depressed then you know it can take some effort to overcome, make a call today, reach out for help you can’t do it alone and nor do you need to!
Overcome Grief – Essential oils for Your Emotions
We grieve for people we lose in our lives. Dr Elisabeth Kübler-Ross described a 5 step process consisting of: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Whether due to death or to other circumstances, you still need to honour the grieving process and go through the stages – at your own pace! This simple blend can help with this process of letting go:
- Frankincense – helpful for anxiety and stressful conditions as it deepens and slows down the breath, bring calm to the body as it does so. This oil is said to attract angels and dispel evil spirits.
- Orange – sweet and warm, orange reduces fears and encourages an optimistic outlook.
Boost Motivation – Essential oils for Your Emotions
This blend of essential oils is for those times when you just can’t get going. A list of things to do, a life to live, all there for your enjoyment BUT you just can’t be bothered right now. You know those days I’m talking about!
- Ginger – puts some zing back into your life! Warming and stimulating, the aroma is energising.
- Cypress – space clearing, dispels negative energy that maybe holding you back.
- Grapefruit – the key word here is ‘detox’. In this blend grapefruit is used to detoxify negative thoughts and emotions, making way for a fresh start.
Blend the oils in any proportions you find to please you – put a total of 4 to 6 drops into a diffuser, breathe deeply and find you are now ready to get on with life.
Maria Mitchell - Aromatherapist and Herbalist
Maria Mitchell is a fully qualified Aromatherapist and Herbalist whose passion has led her into teaching, and writing about the healing power of Aromatherapy. You can learn more about Maria here Join Maria in one of her special Aromatherapy events and learn how you can create wonderful essential oils blends for yourself and your family and in your home.