- Health advice
- Jun 23, 2014
Mr Vitamins Naturopath Tanya Marinovic comments on recent reports of the dramatic rise of drug use with children and adolescents. And she has some healthy suggestions...
Anti-depressant prescriptions for kids on the rise
Health experts are concerned about the large increase in the number of Australian children being prescribed drugs. These drugs include anti-depressants and anti-psychotic medications for problems such as anxiety, disruptive behaviour, depression and insomnia.
Alarming increase in anti-psychotic drugs
The number of children aged between 10-14 given anti-psychotic medication has increased by 50 per cent, anti-depressants have increased by more than a third, while use of the ADHD medication Ritalin jumped 35 per cent in Australia in the last four years. These figures are from a study by the University of Sydney, recently reported by ABC News.
No drug trials on children
Although anti-depressants and anti-psychotic medications can be very helpful for those who need them, they are often unnecessary and, in some cases, dangerous for those who don't need them. The increase in prescription drugs is a concern as these strong drugs have not been trialled on children and can have serious side effects such as:
- Drowsiness
- Rapid heartbeat
- Dizziness when changing position
- Weight gain
- Decrease in interest
- Skin rashes
- Diabetes
- Movement disorder (muscle twitches)
- Aggression
- Restlessness
- Hallucinations
- Increased risk of suicidal thinking
- Stomach pain, nausea and vomiting
Care needed with kids developmental changes
Kids go through developmental changes that can be challenging or dramatic in a very short period of time. So, I would be most cautious in doing anything psychiatrically with kids who are undergoing developmental challenges. Kids should be supervised by GPs who should then refer children with consistent troubling behaviour to psychologists and paediatricians. Only then, when the child has been thoroughly assessed (which would include at least 12 counselling sessions) should medication be prescribed if needed.
Suicidal thinking and behaviour from anti-depressants
In 2004 Britain's Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency issued a warning alert to health care providers of an increased risk of suicidal thinking and behaviour in children and adolescents being treated with SSRIs (serotonin-specific re-uptake inhibitor), urging doctors to consider alternative therapies and, when prescribing an antidepressant, to start with the minimum dose and monitor patients carefully.
Natural treatments may have the answer
Depression, anxiety, behavioural disturbances, insomnia etc. may simply be triggered by a chemical imbalance in the child’s body. Numerous studies have revealed that a holistic approach
that incorporates more than one treatment method can help reduce anger, mood swings and disruptive behaviour in children with depression and OCD, anxiety and self-esteem problems linked to depression. The suggested natural health treatments include:
- Balanced diet
- Healthy lifestyle
- Nurturing environment
- Right amount of exercise
- Ruling out mineral and vitamin deficiencies, such as Pyrroles, MTHFR,
- Avoiding Food intolerances and allergens
- Healing the gut
- Treating with required nutrients
- Reducing stress with meditation, yoga
- Healthy sleep patterns, minimum 8-12 hr of sleep (according to age)
- Counselling with qualified psychologist
There is little argument that anti-depressants have helped millions of adults with major depression and other mental disorders. There is also, however, growing concern among doctors, about child safety and advice to parents that these heavily marketed mind-altering agents are being used too freely and with too little research into their effects in children and adolescents.
A Naturopath / Nutritionist can help
Regular professional advice from a Naturopath/Nutritionist can help you with ideas, motivation, progress checks and improved results. Your naturopath can help you to help your child overcome depression and ADHD.
Talk to Tanya Marinovic
Tanya Marinovic is a practising Naturopath at the Mr Vitamins Clinic and dedicated mother of two. She has a special interest in Children's Health and Parental Support. Tanya has completed the Mindd International Forum training in the MAPS Protocols (Medical Academy of Pediatric Special Needs) Learn more about Tanya here