- Health advice
- Mar 29, 2014
Losing weight can be difficult for many of us but you can ‘kick start’ your weight loss journey with a well-studied, soluble fibre called Glucomannan. Taken before meals with 1-2 glasses of water, Glucomannan assists weight loss by helping you feel fuller so you eat less and manage your portion size of foods you eat more easily.
Glucomannan’s soluble fibre
Glucomannan is the soluble fibre sourced from Konjac root (Amorphophallus konjac) which has a long traditional use in Eastern Asian cultures. Soluble fibre is a type of ‘calorie free’ carbohydrate that attracts water, forming a gel, helping to slow down your digestion and delays the emptying of your stomach so you feel fuller. Glucomannan, like any fibre, doesn’t get broken down and absorbed into your bloodstream; it remains intact and simply passes through your digestive system undigested.
Glucomannan and weight loss
As Glucomannan attracts water and forms a gel, it expands and ‘bulks up’, helping you to feel full quickly and prolongs that feeling of fullness. When you feel full, you tend to eat less so your calorie intake decreases assisting your weight loss through appetite and portion control. Glucomannan has shown to be more effective for weight loss when compared to other insoluble fibres such as guar gum or psyllium. The recommended dosage for Glucomannon to assist weight loss is 3g daily, taken in divided doses for around 5-8 weeks. Fibre supplements such as Glucomannan have been shown to reduce the number of calories absorbed by your body from the foods you eat.
Other health benefits of Glucomannan
Glucomannan’s soluble fibre helps to cleanse your body, and by slowing down the digestive process of carbohydrates, cholesterol and nutrient absorption, helps to maintain healthy blood glucose and cholesterol levels.
- Cleansing Glucomannan helps to cleanse your body by gently stimulating bowel activity, helping to relieve constipation, and the insoluble fibre binds toxins so that they can be safely eliminated.
- Healthy blood glucose levels Glucomannan slows down the absorption of carbohydrates and reduces the GI (glycaemic index) of carbohydrates and insulin spike that occurs after a meal, helping to decrease insulin levels by up to 50% and improving blood glucose control. Slower stomach emptying has a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity helping to manage healthy blood glucose levels.
- Cholesterol management Glucomannan’s soluble fibre reduces the absorption of cholesterol from your diet, so helps to maintain cholesterol within the normal range and improves your LDL:HDL ratio. A number of controlled trials have found that those taking Glucomannon had much lower levels of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides than the control group. Glucomannan as a soluble fibre, helps reduce inflammatory patterns in your body. Inflammation can lead to cholesterol-related cardiovascular problems.
Is there a quick-fix for weight loss?
Glucomannon can help you ‘kick-start’ your weight loss program. And it’s also important to follow through with a holistic approach to weight loss including
a healthy, varied diet:
- Good quality proteins
- Lots of vegetables (especially ‘above-ground’ veggies)
- Low-sugar fruits such as berries
- Healthy fats
- Fresh water
- Regular outdoor activities
'Ask a Naturopath' about Herbs of Gold Fibre Full with Glucomannan.
Mr Vitamins recommends
Herbs of Gold Fibre Full and Burn with Svetol® for effective weight loss Find out more about Herbs of Gold Fibre Full & Burn here References: European Food Safety Authority, 2010, Scientific opinion: glucomannon related health claim, EFSA Journal, 8(10): 1798. Glucomannan monograph, 2010, Natural Standard, Natural Standard Research Collaboration. Keithley J & Swanson B, 2005, Glucomannan and Obesity: a critical review, Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, vol. 11, issue 6.McCarthy MF, 2002, Glucomannan minimizes the postprandial insulin surge: a potential adjuvant for hepatothermic therapy, Med Hypotheses, 58(6):487-90. Murray M & Pizzorno J, 2006, ‘Textbook of Natural Medicine’, 3rd edition, Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, Missouri. Retrieved on 09/01/2014 from http://www.quickanddirtytips.com/health-fitness/healthy-eating/what-is-the-difference-between-soluble-and-insoluble-fiber#sthash.wjy0xTvX.dpuf Sood N, Baker W and Coleman c, 2008, Effect of glucomannon on plasma lipid and glucose concentrations, body weight and blood pressure: systematic review and meta-analysis, Am J Clin Nutr, 88: 1167-1175. Retrieved on 09/01/2014 from http://www.webmd.com/diet/fiber-health-benefits-11/insoluble-soluble-fiber Retrieved on 25/03/2014 from http://www.lef.org/newsletter/2010/0309_Soluble-Fiber-Improves-Immune-Function.htm