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Hair Loss and Hair Growth FAQ's

Hair Loss and Hair Growth FAQ's
  • Health advice
  • Dec 21, 2014

Confused about what you need to do to have strong healthy hair?

Here are some answers to the 6 common questions we get asked every day about two of the most popular hair growth products. If you are considering taking supplements to support healthy hair, it’s good to have all the information first. We have done the work for you and found answers to some frequently asked questions that might be helpful.

What sort of hair problems can be helped with supplements?

Fusion Hair Tonic with Phytofol®™ and Fusion Hair, Skin & Nails are suitable for men, women and children who want to encourage healthy hair growth and condition. Recommended together they can help;

  • Alopecia
  • Hair loss
  • Patchy hair loss
  • Male and female patterned baldness
  • Thinning hair
  • Receding hair line
  • Declining hair condition, strength and volume
  • Premature greying

How many capsules and tablets do I take?

The therapeutic adult dose of Fusion Hair Tonic is 2 capsules twice daily (total 4 capsules daily) plus Fusion Hair, Skin & Nails 1 tablet daily. An extra dose of both products may be taken to enhance results or as professionally advised.

Once the desired results have been achieved, you can go to a maintenance dose of 1 or 2 capsules daily for continued benefit. The therapeutic dose for children (6-12 years) of Fusion Hair Tonic is 1 capsule once or twice daily, plus half a Fusion Hair, Skin & Nails tablet daily.

When should I take them?

It is generally best to take Fusion Hair Tonic half an hour before food (before breakfast and dinner for example). If you have a sensitive digestive system you can take the capsules after meals. Fusion Health Hair, Skin & Nails is recommended with food (ideally with breakfast). Tip: Hair Tonic can be easily given to children by opening capsules and mixing the contents with food such as honey or cereal.

How long can it take to notice results?

This regimen is recommended for at least 2-3 months (12 weeks) before assessing how the formulas are working for you. The time frame differs for everybody, you may notice a difference a lot sooner or it may take a bit longer. 12 weeks is the average time frame when people begin to see results.

Do I need to take Hair Tonic with another supplement?

Yes, Fusion Hair Tonic is recommended together with Fusion Hair, Skin & Nails as they work differently. Fusion Hair Tonic contains medicinal herbs traditionally used to promote healthy hair growth, colour and condition including hair strength, volume, and lustre. Fusion Hair, Skin & Nails provides vitamins and minerals to nourish the hair and also enhance the clinical effects of Hair Tonic.

What is Phytofol

Phytofol®™ is a specially prepared extract made from the Chinese herb Fallopia Multiflora. Phytofol®™ helps regenerate and revitalise resting hair follicles, to increase the number of hairs in the growth phase of the hair growth cycle (article link). Phytofol®™ may also help hair loss associated with male and female pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia). In Chinese medicine, hair loss, poor condition and premature greying are caused predominately by poorly nourished Liver Blood and depleted Kidney energy (Jing). Phytofol®™ nourishes and invigorates Liver Blood, and replenishes Kidney Jing, to help regenerate hair follicles which encourage hair growth.

Mr Vitamins recommends

Fusion Health Hair Tonic with Phytofol together with Hair, Skin & Nails with Phytofol  to promote healthy hair growth and condition, encouraging strength, volume and shine of the hair. Find out more about Fusion Health Hair Tonic and Fusion Health Hair, Skin & Nails here Check out our guide to healthy hair condition As always, whatever questions or concerns you have about hair growth, all you have to do is drop by Mr Vitamins and ‘Ask a Naturopath’.

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