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How to stop skin ageing and hold on to youthful skin - for longer

How to stop skin ageing and hold on to youthful skin - for longer
  • Health advice
  • Mar 16, 2017

Keep youthful skin with the Ultimate Free Radical Scavenger Starting to see a few ‘cracks in the pavement’ when it comes to managing your beauty routine? It may be time to add a supplement into your daily routine with health and beauty benefits which work internally as well as externally.


The benefits of Grape Seed

Grapes are a pretty amazing fruit. They have been around for thousands of years. You can make a great glass of wine out of them, packed full of goodies like antioxidants, however the health benefits don’t stop there- the properties of this incredible fruit have also been touted as containing important compounds, which due to their action on collagen, help prevent the ageing processes of the skin. Many of the functional components and health benefits of grapes can be extracted and utilised from the seeds.


Grape Seeds contain powerful antioxidants

Grape seeds contain high amounts of the flavonoid Procyanidin which is a powerful antioxidant. Chemically speaking Procyanidins are flavonoids that fight against the damaging effects of free radicals. Because of this property, traditionally, Grape seed (in its oil form) was used in the Cosmetics Industry in creams applied directly onto the skin - because the results were fantastic. However now Science has found that Grape seed’s are of even more benefit to the body when taken internally.


So, what’s the deal with free radicals??

A free radical is an unstable atom or group of atoms that at a molecular level grab electrons from your tissues to stabilise themselves. They are thieves that rob your tissues every day of important electrons which give stability and strength. The more electrons that free radicals steal from the vital molecules that make up the building blocks of your tissues, the more unstable those tissues become resulting in ageing. The tissues which are under some of the highest amount of free radical attack include the skin and cardiovascular system and the degradation caused by free radical activity can be associated with deterioration and ageing.


Antioxidants stabilise free radicals

Where antioxidants come into the picture is that they stabilise the free radicals by offering up their own electrons instead, therefore preventing cellular and tissue damage. The antioxidants are the ‘fall guys’ so to speak and stand in the way and protect the tissues from free radical attack. Due to the flavonoid Procyanidin, Grape seed is a powerful antioxidant which protects the collagen fibres that skin is composed of. Grape seed helps to strengthen collagen fibres throughout the body, thereby also improving the look and feel of skin. Due to everyday free radical attack, we need a constant supply of antioxidants from the diet because when an antioxidant neutralises a free radical by donating its electron - it becomes inactive. Because free radical exposure and their ability to cause ageing is a daily occurrence, it is important to take a daily supplement to combat this - and protect the body’s cells from damage. Are you getting enough antioxidants to ‘win the war’ in your body against free radical damage? Natures antioxidant Grape seed may be your best answer.

Mr Vitamins recommends

Southernature Grape Seed 55,000mg Southernature Omega 3 Fish Oil Find out more and shop online for these Southernature products here References: Phytochemicals. (n.d). Antioxidants. Retrieved from: http://www.phytochemicals.info/antioxidants.php Braun, L., Cohen, M. (2007). Herbs & Natural Supplements. An evidence based guide. 2nd ed. Churchill Livingstone. pp 397- 401.

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