- Health advice
- Apr 20, 2015
When it comes to dairy based milk and products, many people with an intolerance feel a significant improvement in their symptoms if they reduce or remove dairy products from the diet.
The benefits of reducing dairy products
Reducing dairy may help:
- Reduce mucus production in the respiratory system
- Reduce incidence of food based allergies and intolerances
- Reduce constipation, diarrhoea or IBS symptoms
- Reduce bloating or stomach pains
- Reduce incidence of ear infections or glue ear
We really are spoilt for choice today – walk into any supermarket or health food store and the options for dairy free alternatives are endless. In the dairy or long life milk aisle we can find so many options. Have you tried?
- Rice milk
- Quinoa milk
- Hazelnut or Macadamia milk or
- Coconut and Almond milk blend
Whilst these foods are conveniently packaged and accessible, it does pay to be mindful about what they contain. Many nut based milks - including almond milk contain as little as 2 or 3% actual nuts, with the rest of the product being made of water, thickeners, emulsifiers, preservatives and sweeteners.
Why buy Almond milk (and other nut milks) when you can easily make your own?
Here is an easy recipe for creamy, delicious almond milk – and you know exactly what goes into the making of it.
Homemade Creamy Almond Milk
- 1 Cup Almonds
- 3-4 Cups Filtered Water
- 2 Medjool Dates pitted or 3 drops liquid Stevia
- 1/2 tsp Vanilla Essence
- Pinch Himalayan Salt
- Nut Milk Bag (available from Mr Vitamins)
- Cover almonds with water and soak for 8 – 12 hours or overnight
- Drain almonds and rinse well, disposing of soak water
- Place almonds, fresh filtered water, dates or sweetener, vanilla and a pinch of salt into blender, food processor or Thermomix and blend for 1 – 2 minutes at the highest speed possible, until nuts have broken down and a creamy milk has been produced
- Pour milk into a nut milk bag and gently strain all the liquid
- Reserve the almond pulp for use in paleo breads or baking recipes in the place of almond meal, or to add fibre to juices, smoothies or bliss balls
- Chill almond milk and store in the fridge for up to 3 days
Enjoy your creamy home-made almond milk as a wonderful source of calcium, protein, vitamin E and magnesium…and nothing else nasty!