- Health advice
- Aug 29, 2011
Well it depends…
Fish Oil is one of the most popular of all nutritional supplements bought here in Australia. It contains the largest and most available amount of Omega-3 essential fatty acids of any supplement. These have been shown to have beneficial effects in many of the common health issues we experience which include:
- Heart Health – taking fish oil is associated with a reduced risk of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)
- High Blood Pressure – fish oil appears to reduce blood pressure where a person has what is called mild hypertension
- High Cholesterol – fish oil reduces triglycerides, decreases the secretion of “bad cholesterol” VLDL’s and increases the secretion of “good cholesterol” HDL’s
- Arthritis in all its forms – the anti-inflammatory effects of fish oil allow relief from the pain and stiffness of joints and muscles
- Osteoporosis in conjunction with evening primrose oil and calcium
- Some Cancers
- Macular Degeneration - age onset
- Eye and Nervous System Health in developing children and infants where inadequate levels of Omega-3’s can inhibit full development and function
- Alzheimer’s, Schizophrenia, Depression, Suicide – people with these and other mental problems have been shown to have low levels of Omega-3. (It is interesting to note that in countries where more fish is eaten these conditions seem to be less prevalent)
- ADHD and Dyspraxia - by taking a combination of fish and evening primrose oil
- Ulcerative Colitis and Chron’s Disease – where it can help reduce the inflammation, help rebuild tissue and assist to prevent re-occurrence
- Dysmenorrhea where it provides pain relief
- Skin Health – alleviating dry skin and the itching and inflammation of conditions such as Psoriasis
N.B. Remember to consult your Naturopath or healthcare practitioner before taking Fish Oil if you have been prescribed pharmaceutical medication. It is often advised to stop taking fish oil at least two weeks prior to any surgery.