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Men’s Health: Vital nutrients for a healthy prostate

Men’s Health: Vital nutrients for a healthy prostate
  • Health advice
  • Jun 19, 2015
As men age, they can become prone to a number of specific health concerns, from elevated cholesterol readings and heart issues, to stress, depression and reproductive disorders.

Do you know about BPH?

One condition that 50% of all men will experience is BPH or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. BPH is simply an enlarged prostate gland and occurs in almost all men as they get older. BPH is not cancer although it can certainly be a nuisance if you are suffering from it. The prostate gland surrounds the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body. As the prostate gets bigger, it may squeeze or partly block the urethra. This often causes problems with urinating.

Natural herbs for men's sexual health and a healthy prostate

There are some natural herbs and nutrients that work wonders for a healthy prostate and Men’s sexual health, and have been used safely and successfully for thousands of years. Saw Palmetto, Damiana and Epilobium are herbs that specifically enhance male physiology and support and prevent prostate problems such as BPH, a condition that becomes more common as you age.

Are You Up and Down at night needing to go to the loo?

Relief of urinary symptoms - a Cochrane Review (1) of 21 clinical trials using Saw Palmetto on over three thousand men with medically diagnosed BPH, showed that Saw Palmetto decreased symptoms such as night time urination and difficulty urinating – dribbling, hesitancy, and frequency. These results are comparative to common drugs used to treat BPH. The research also suggested that the reduction in symptoms occurred after only 4-6 weeks of treatment.

Does Your Libido Need a Boost?

  • Saw Palmetto was and still is traditionally used in North American Indian Medicine for the support of male sexual function and as an aphrodisiac.
  • Damiana is traditionally used in Western Herbal Medicine to support sexual dysfunction or as an aphrodisiac.

Nutrients to Increase your Virility

Zinc is an all-important mineral for not only supporting your healthy prostate gland, but enhancing your reproductive system. Since Zinc is shown to be stored in the prostate, sperm and testes, you can imagine how vital it is to men’s health.  Research has shown that supplementation of Zinc can increase your sperm count and motility. Zinc can help to reduce your chances of prostate enlargement, which men over 50 are so susceptible to. Diet too plays a critical role in the health of your prostate, increasing intake of essential fatty acids and zinc, decreasing coffee, alcohol, and maintaining healthy cholesterol levels will also assist with the management of BPH.
  1. Wilt T, Ishani A, Mac Donald R. Serenoa repens for benign prostatic hyperplasia. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2002;(3):CD001423.

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