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Osteoporosis, Tooth Decay, Brittle Nails—could Silica be the answer?

  • Health advice
  • Jan 08, 2013

Silica is the missing link in getting Calcium to where it’s needed in your body. For some time now medical professionals have emphasised the importance of consuming certain minerals and nutrients, commonly called trace elements. But did you know that there is one key mineral necessary for the absorption of all the other trace elements? That mineral is Silica. Regretfully, Silica and its importance have been overlooked for years. That is until recently when researchers discovered a link between Silica deficiency and Calcium deficiency.

Silica: The essential nutrient

Under average conditions, the human body contains higher concentrations of Silica than any other trace element—even iron! That fact alone proves that Silica plays some pretty important roles in the body. Here are just a few:

  • Facilitates absorption of other trace elements
  • Works as an antioxidant to prevent premature ageing
  • Promotes cardiovascular and kidney health
  • Reduces inflammation throughout the body
  • Alleviates osteoarthritis pain
  • Prevents Alzheimer’s Disease

The love/hate relationship of Calcium and Silica

So, a lot can be written about everything that Silica does, but let’s focus on what Silica means to your bones. Although Vitamin D makes Calcium absorption possible, it is Silica that makes Calcium use possible. Thus, without Silica, the body cannot use Calcium where it needs it most…in the bones

. Silica deficiency often leads to Calcium deficiency, because when Calcium is not busy at work, your body will perceive that as a need for more Calcium, and extract Calcium from your bones in an effort to compensate. This process is called “Calcium leeching.” However, what your body needs in that situation is Silica.

Silica deficiency can result in Osteoporosis

As Calcium is sucked from bones, bones become weak and brittle leading to osteoporosis. Granted mostly older women suffer from osteoporosis, yet men and women of any age can develop this condition if they are Silica deficient. And Calcium supplementation does not solve the problem. Again, Calcium cannot be used without Silica! Only Silica supplementation can reverse osteoporosis and rebuild bone. Silica not only heals fractures, but also deposits minerals such as Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphorous back into bone. And during desperate times, research shows that Silica itself can be converted into Calcium.

What else does Silica do?

As it turns out, Silica is also very important to your teeth. While Calcium leeching causes osteoporosis in the majority of your body, it causes tooth decay in your mouth. Under normal conditions, Silica protects teeth and prevents cavities; but, without enough Silica, gum disease develops and tooth loss may occur. In addition to your bones and teeth, Silica is very influential to the health of your skin, hair, and nails. Since Silica is the main ingredient in collagen, an adequate amount of Silica in your body will keep your skin looking youthful and free of wrinkles. Meanwhile, as a significant component of hair, Silica promotes strong and shiny hair that grows and grows. And last, but not least, your nails can thank Silica for their strength and shine. Consequently, brittle nails are often one of the first indicators of Silica deficiency.

Silica supplementation and what you can do

Here are some suggestions:

  • For tooth decay:  Rinse your mouth for five to seven minutes with a sea salt water solution or natural oil such as sesame oil.
  • For bone strength:  Every day, the recommendations is to take 500 to 1000 mg of Horsetail, which contains the highest concentration of Silica found in any herb.

But remember to ‘Ask a Naturopath’ whether you need to take Silica, Calcium or any other mineral supplements.

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