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Strong emotions, stress and asthma

Strong emotions, stress and asthma
  • Health advice
  • Apr 11, 2018

Amongst the well-known and obvious asthma triggers like allergens (eg. dust mites, pollen, mould), smoke, exercise, cold air, there is one thing that is often overlooked and not given high priority and that is stress and strong emotions. The word asthma is derived from Greek and it means laborious breathing, breathlessness or panting which describe symptoms present during an asthma attack. Strong emotions such as fear, excitement or anger can also affect the way we breathe. Our breathing might be quicker, less regular and we might take short quick breaths through our mouth. Because this air hasn't passed through our noses, it hasn't been warmed, so it hits our airways while it's dry and cold. This kind of breathing can trigger asthma symptoms for some people. We can stay alive for long periods without eating, drinking or sleeping, but if we can not breathe, we die within a few minutes. Breathing is the first thing we do when we are born and the last thing we do before we die. It’s a continuous giving and receiving. Asthma when considered as breathlessness tells us that where narrowing of the airways occurs, there is always fear also. So you should ask yourself:

  • What is suffocating me? What am I afraid of?
  • In what aspects of my life would I like to receive without me giving?
  • What kind of aggressions do I have to deal with and what kind of options do I have to be free of them?
  • What do I not want to receive - in fact what am I opposing?

Upon reflection, asthma patients may be able to identify different issues that can be clearly, individually defined but they are often closely related to each other.

Asthma indicates:

  • That something or someone is trying to come too close, so the patient feels constrained, distressed, unable to unfold
  • That I have a feeling I should not let myself go, and maybe I wouldn’t even be able too
  • To some extent that my own ideas and the expectations and moral norms of our environment are hindered or constrained

What to do to reduce stress and manage emotions?

  • Identify the things that cause you stress, such as money, work or relationships with the help of kinesiology, mind-body therapies.
  • Try relaxation and breathing techniques.
  • It is important to learn to express yourself, your feelings and to become open to give and receive.
  • Exercise.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet.
  • See a mental health provider in case of anxiety and depression

Bernadett Healy – Nutritionist

Bernadett is a qualified Nutritionist and Kinesiologist offering scientific, evidenced based nutrition with functional testing, mind set coaching and kinesiology to get to the root cause of your health issues.  Her area of practice is in chronic health conditions caused by mould, sensitivites and in childrens’ health.  With a background in financial services, her interest also extends to stress management and fatigue in high pressure corporate work environment. Book an appointment with Bernadett

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