- Health advice
- May 24, 2016
Find out more in Natural Medicine Week with a Free 20 minute Vitamin Review
- Fact: choosing the right supplements can sometimes be confusing, time consuming and frustrating
- Fact: the range of supplements on the market is enormous and it is difficult to distinguish the high quality brands from the lesser quality brands
- Fact: it goes without saying that what you are looking for is the supplement solution that meets your individual needs at this point in time
This is why a review of your current supplement regime is essential.
Are you taking the right Supplements?
Sometimes it may be that you’re taking supplements that don’t suit you, and that can be for a number of reasons:
- You chose them yourself based on the recommendations of friends, TV ads or information you have sourced from the internet
- The supplements are not compatible with each other
- Some of your supplements have some of the same ingredients
- You are not taking the supplement at the best time of day
- You don’t know whether to take your supplement with or without food
- The supplement you are taking is not the best for your needs
- The supplements may interfere with prescription medications you may be taking
What are the benefits of a Vitamin Review?
Here are just some of the advantages of a review with one of our qualified Naturopaths or Nutritionists:
- finding out what supplements are most specific for your needs
- eliminating supplements that you don’t need
- working out the best time of the day to take your supplements
- finding out if your supplements are best taken before meals or with meals
- ensuring you are taking effective doses of your supplements
- ensuring that there are no potential adverse interactions between your supplements and prescription drugs
- addressing the question of how long you need to be taking your supplements
- getting the most benefit for the cost of your supplements
What will be discussed during your Vitamin Review?
- Is there some concern you have about what you are currently taking?
- Do you want to find out if there are more effective alternatives?
- Are you looking to see if you are taking too much or whether there is a better quality brand?
- Should you go on taking the same supplement in-definitely?
We may suggest one or more supplements instead of the multiple ones you are currently taking. Making it a more cost effective way of meeting your needs. And we may suggest you have a full Naturopathic consultation (at your discretion) if we feel it would give you greater benefits. If you would like the chance to start a supplement review during our Natural Medicine Week Open Day, you can book and appointment with a Mr Vitamins Natural Health Practitioner who will take you through the steps for efficient and beneficial co-prescribing…….