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Pyroluria Mystery: Your peace of mind may lie in your blood

  • Health advice
  • Oct 05, 2012

Anxiety, depression, motion sickness, loss of appetite—you probably know these conditions are not natural. You may even attribute them to being overworked or overstressed. But have you ever wondered if those conditions may be symptoms of something else? They could very well be symptoms of Pyroluria.

Pyroluria is a genetic blood disorder

Pyroluria creates abnormalities during the synthesis of the protein haemoglobin, which in turn produces chemical imbalances and nutrient deficiencies throughout the body. This disorder has been diagnosed in individuals with a family history of alcoholism, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and autism, as well as exposure to environmental toxins.

The discovery of Pyroluria

During the 1950s, the Canadian psychiatrist and researcher, Dr. Abram Hoffer, discovered Pyroluria in patients suffering from schizophrenia. However, Pyroluria has only been recognized as a real medical condition for the past ten years. As a result, a number of people have gone undiagnosed.

How does Pyroluria affect your body?

Pyroluria is still viewed as a mysterious disorder because it lies dormant within the body until a traumatic event or a chronic infection occurs during a person’s late teenage years. The traumatic event may be a divorce, a death in the family, or leaving home to go to college. At that time, a by-product of haemoglobin synthesis called kryptopyrrole, or HPL, begins to multiply too quickly. That accumulation of HPL actually prevents zinc and vitamin B6 from being absorbed. Instead, HPL binds with zinc and vitamin B6 and escorts them out of the body in urine. Consequently, people living with Pyroluria have significant zinc and vitamin B6 deficiencies.

Pyroluria symptoms and conditions

Since zinc and vitamin B6 are essential to maintaining a healthy emotional state and producing other nutrients, hormones, and enzymes within the body, it is quite common for Pyroluria patients to develop secondary deficiencies. Therefore, you should look out for the following symptoms and conditions:

  • Sweet breath or body odour
  • Cold hands and feet
  • White spots on fingernails
  • Unusual fat distribution
  • Pale skin that burns easily in sunlight
  • Nervousness
  • Mood swings
  • Panic attacks
  • Social withdrawal
  • Low stress tolerance

Diagnosing and treating Pyroluria

If you think you may have Pyroluria you should ‘Ask a Naturopath’ for a consultation. The naturopath can conduct a urine test to confirm diagnosis. For treatment, holistic approaches including supplementation, homeopathic remedies, herbal therapy, diet adjustments, hormone regulation, and chelation therapy prove most effective. See Part 2 of this article for suggestions on natural treatment of Pyroluria Mr Vitamins naturopath Peter Radi has made a special study of Pyroluria and other related health conditions. So do not risk your peace of mind or overall health, ask a naturopath and schedule a consultation today!

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