- Health advice
- Apr 23, 2016
You may not be thinking about a detox with winter not that far away. Every winter comes with a seemingly new set of colds and flus. We can’t avoid the toxins that are part of our day to day life. Your body is supposed to deal with these toxins, but stress, diet, lifestyle, and even infrequent parties can all take their toll. Your body sends us warning signs to let us know that it’s time for a detox. What are these warning signs?
Here are a handful of signs that your body is ready for a detox:
- Headaches
- Dull skin
- Indigestion
- Abdominal discomfort
- Diarrhoea
- Constipation
- Bloating
- Nausea
- Smelly stools
- Bad breath
- Mood shifts
- Food cravings
- Sleeping problems
- Skin problems
- Allergies
- Menstrual problems
What will you be doing while you’re on the detox?
- Health Overview
- Individualised detox program
- Identifying ways to reduce your toxic load
- Exercise recommendations
- Relaxation recommendations
- Tips to nourish your body
- Healthy detox diet through to a permanent and individual lifestyle diet
- Supporting supplements
- Monitoring your progress
- Support along the way
What to expect from the detox?
A detox is designed to get your digestion and liver back to healthy function. Everyone is individual but the feedback is usually better digestion, better bowel habits, weight loss, less headaches, better sleep and of course, feeling better, MORE ENERGY AND VITALITY.
Are you wanting Wellness, more energy and vitality?
Janne Ramsay Naturopath offers you a couple of options at Mr Vitamins. Once a month she runs an interesting and informative, free workshop on Digestion and Detox to fill in some of those gaps. You can bring along some of your questions to ask at the end of the talk. Janne also runs a 6 week Digest and Detox program aimed at improving your digestion, supporting and cleansing your liver, and getting you back to wellness and healthy eating by the end of the 6 weeks. Now is the time to get on top of your health before the cold and flu season.
Want to know more?
You can join Mr Vitamin’s Naturopath Janne Ramsay as she takes you through an informative and fun presentation on the basics of healthy digestion. Discover how your digestive system directly impacts your health.
Naturopath Janne Ramsay
Janne Ramsay Naturopath has a special interest in digestive health. Janne is passionate about the ongoing developments in gut health and the use of probiotics and the role they play in your health. She has a strong belief that good digestion and good liver function are soulmates to achieving good health. 80% of illnesses are linked in some way to digestive health. To achieve good health and wellness in 2016 make an appointment with Janne to review your health and learn more about maintaining better wellness and energy………. Learn more about Janne here...
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