- Health advice
- Apr 04, 2017
Fermented foods have been a form of food preservation for thousands of years – evidence points back to the Ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans all fermenting and culturing foods to support health before times of modern day electricity, fridges and freezers.
So why ferment?
The process of fermentation naturally increases bacteria found in foods, and these help to populate your own digestive colony of bacteria – the microbiome. Every traditional culture in the world includes some sort of fermented foods in their meals to help aid digestion and promote health. Did you know that miso, sourdough bread, and many pickles, chutneys and alcoholic beverages are fermented?Some of the benefits of eating fermented foods
- Enhances nutrient profile e.g. vitamin K2 in natto and vitamin C in sauerkraut
- Increases beneficial bacteria diversity for your microbiome
- Supports immunity, digestive function and detox pathways
- Easy to do at home and economical