- Health advice
- Feb 03, 2014
Melatonin is an important hormone produced by the Pineal Gland that is critical for our sleep. It regulates our sleep-wake patterns and acts as an endocrine hormone as it’s released into the blood. The Pineal gland is a small endocrine gland located in the centre of the brain but outside the blood-brain barrier.
Improving the sleep-wake cycle
The melatonin signal forms part of the system that regulates the sleep-wake cycle by chemically causing drowsiness and lowering the body temperature. Human melatonin production is inhibited by light to the retina and permitted by darkness. This production decreases as a person ages.
Sleep is critical to our well being and health
A good night sleep allows the body to detox its organs and recharge, bring everything back into balance and our dreams to take us places. Other benefits of melatonin are that it’s a powerful free-radical scavenger and a wide spectrum antioxidant. Melatonin works with other antioxidants to improve the overall effectiveness of each antioxidant. There has also been some studies to show that melatonin has an anti-inflammatory effect. There are also some suggestions that melatonin receptors may be important in the mechanisms of learning and memory.
Supplements that help you sleep are:
- Valerian (and other herbs) for relaxing and sedative properties
- 5-HTP
- Lavender and Marjoram essential oils
- Melatonin (not available in Australia)
- Magnesium
- Theanine - found in green tea
The best advice for better sleep
The best thing to do is to sleep early i.e. before 10pm in a completely dark room and wake up early e.g. 5-6am. Better still – turn off all those screens an hour before you sleep! No TV, laptops, computer monitors, iPads or smartphones. The blue light is an inhibiting factor in melatonin production. Light inhibits melatonin production but exposure to sunshine during the day stimulates the pineal gland such that it produces more melatonin when dark.
Lucia Light can make a difference
This is why the Lucia light has been so successful in making a powerful difference to people's sleep patterns and energy levels. Just a 20 min session with the Lucia is often sufficient to improve sleep quality.
Discover more about the Pineal Gland
Come and hear Richard Yiap talk about light and the pineal gland on Tue Feb 4 from 11am to 12 pm
How to Experience Lucia Light
Lucia Light sessions are no longer available at the Mr Vitamins Clinic
Please check out more about how you can benefit from the Lucia Light experience. This special opportunity is only available for a limited time - while Richard Yiap is in Sydney and practicing at the Mr Vitamins Clinic.
- Free Talk – hear Richard Yiap talk about: Light - Medicine of the Future
- Find out more about Richard and Sian - Lucia Light practitioners
- Discover how to Change your thinking skills and boost your brain power with Light
- New information on How to Empower your Mind for Success and Study
- A most important gland in your body: The Pineal Gland: Are you seeing the light?