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How to create a chemical free home for babies

How to create a chemical free home for babies
  • Health advice
  • May 16, 2016

If you're trying to live your life chemical free, have you ever noticed how many synthetic chemicals and fragrances there are around you? These could be in your home - kitchen, laundry, bathroom, and personal care products. Then outside your home - fragrance machines making shops and aircraft smell better, plus other people's perfumes deodorants and after shave. The list is endless. More and more research is being published every day about the impact these synthetic fragrances and chemicals are having on our health and wellbeing.

Babies and children affected more than adults

The problem is that our babies and young children are being impacted more. Why? Because their bodies are smaller than ours, their organs are smaller, and their ability to detox is lower. As parents we want to do something about it, but it is so overwhelming and really difficult to work out where to start because synthetic chemicals are everywhere, including in every room in the house. It’s even more overwhelming because you don’t know what to look for. This is what I recommend:

Start with 1 Room and 1 Ingredient

This is the protocol I share with my clients, it’s all about breaking it down into easy steps:

  1. Start with one room and one ingredient.
  2. For the room let's choose the Bathroom
  3. For the ingredient let's choose Sodium Lauryl Sulfate or SLS for short.
  4. Scientific research suggests that SLS may cause hair loss, cataracts, and rashes. It may affect the brain, heart, liver and other organs. In fact it is banned in Canada and Europe.
  5. Where are you likely to find it? It is known to be in toothpaste, shampoos, conditioners creams, bath gels and more.
  6. Your task is to pick up every single product in your bathroom, turn over the bottle and look for this ingredient.
  7. You will then put each product you have picked up in one of two places. Ones with SLS or ones without SLS.
  8. Once you have done this you need to move onto looking for other toxic ingredients. Until you have a pile that is chemical free with pure ingredients.

Often after doing this exercise people end up with no products at all or very few products. When I did this myself that is what happened to me. There were even products that marketed themselves as earth friendly or organic that had synthetic ingredients.

No more trial, error and frustration

After lots of trial and error and frustration in buying products and then realising they had a synthetic ingredient. I looked for a brand I could trust. The brand I found was Young Living as they are committed to creating the purest products in the world (have their own farms) infused with 100% pure essential oils. They have a broad range, which saves me time. And they smell amazing.

Come and learn about Chemical-Free Living

Join Karin Amali, one of the Mr Vitamins Practitioners, to discover how you can live Chemical Free using Essential Oils.

Find out more about

The Chemical-Free Home with Essential Oils Free Workshop here

Practitioner Karin Amali

Karin Amali specialises in supporting people to thrive naturally. She empowers people with the tools they need to create the life they want – being happy and healthy. Make a free 20 minute Wellness appointment with Karin and find out how she can support you. Click here and select Introduction to Wellness

More articles by Karin Amali


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