- Health advice
- Apr 28, 2014
When you’re younger, you naturally have firm wrinkle-free skin reflecting strong healthy connective tissue, and it doesn’t take much effort to keep it that way. As you begin to age though, subtle signs, including fine lines and wrinkles, begin to appear, a sure sign that your connective tissue is not as strong and firm as it used to be. The appearance of your skin plays an important role in your perception of wellbeing and cosmetic beauty, so its healthy appearance is often very important to you.
Skin: your waterproof bodysuit that lasts a lifetime
Your skin provides a hard-wearing barrier between your internal and external environment, much like a waterproof bodysuit that’s flexible, washable, resists wrinkles, keeps its shape and lasts a life time. Connective tissue responsible for healthy skin includes keratin, collagen and elastin. The epidermis, or outer layer of your skin renews itself every 25-45 days, and is made up of keratin, a dense fibrous protein that gives your body a tough protective coating. The dermis, which sits underneath your epidermis, is made up of collagen and elastin, fibrous proteins that give your skin strength and elasticity. Collagen provides toughness and strength to the dermis, attracting and binding water to keep your skin hydrated, while elastin gives your skin elasticity and flexibility.
What’s your skin telling you?
The state of your skin is a good barometer of your internal health and as you start to age, a number of factors can lead you down the path of premature skin ageing; free radical damage, poor protein digestion, deficiencies or low levels of ‘healthy skin’ nutrients, your lifestyle and general state of health, hormonal changes, pollution, stress, dehydration, excessive sun exposure and your dietary choices.
Top 6 nutrients for gorgeous skin at any age
- Resveratrol, well known for its effect on healthy ageing, supports healthy connective tissue. Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant and free radical scavenger that helps protect you from free radicals that contribute to premature ageing
- Silica or the ‘beauty mineral’ is essential for the production and maintenance of healthy collagen and keratin levels in your body. Australian soils are typically low in silica and when combined with declining silica levels as you age, can leave you deficient in silica and more susceptible to premature skin ageing
- Omega-3’s keep your skin hydrated and ‘plumped-up’, improving the tone and flexibility of your skin. Our modern diet is frequently high in omega-6, but lacking in omega-3’s. Balancing the intake of omega-3’s to omega-6 results in smoother, younger-looking skin
- Zinc is an antioxidant that plays an important role in collagen formation and is essential for the healthy development and repair of your skin
- Vitamin A plays a key role in keratin and collagen production so helps promote the growth, repair, elasticity and strength of your skin
- Vitamin C is an antioxidant and important for the production of collagen and elastin, helping to maintain strong, healthy connective tissue
Mr Vitamins recommends
Herbs of Gold Resveratrol AdvantAGE, Bio Silica and Omega-3 Concentrate Find out more about AdvantAGE, Bio Silica and Omega-3 Concentrate References: http://www.alive.com/articles/view/16489/silicaaccessed on 18/0613. Jefferay, K, Minerals: The macro & microminerals, trace elements and heavy metals. http://www.livestrong.com/article/174136-how-to-get-healthy-hair-skin-nails/#ixzz2EckteoLw accessed on 19/06/13. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/004014.htm accessed on 15/04/14. http://www.nutrifert.com.au/pdf-news/12.pdf accessed 21/06/13. Pizzorno JE & Murray MT, 2006, Textbook of Natural Medicine, Churchill Livingstone, St Louis. http://rawforbeauty.com/blog/?s=silica accessed on 20/06/13. Reavley N, 1998, The New Encyclopaedia of Vitamins, Minerals, Supplements & herbs, Bookmen Press, Resveratrol Monograph, Alternative Medicine Review, 2010, volume 15, number 2 Zimmerman, M.D. (2001) Burgensteins’s Handbook of Nutrition, Micronutrients in the Prevention and Therapy of Disease, Theime, New York.