- Health advice
- Jun 05, 2017
The season of colds and flu is still upon us, so here are some tips from Mr Vitamins Naturopath Poppy Osprey to boost your immune system and maintain your winter wellness.
Always remember Vitamin C
After breakfast, start the day with Vitamin C, as it helps to reduce inflammation, boost your immune system and maintain a healthy heart.Ten of the richest sources of Vitamin C
- Camu- camu and Nyguul (Kakadu Plum*) are the world’s richest sources of Vitamins C. Nyguul is aboriginal food from the Kimberly region, so we also help the indigenous tribes. (Gubinge is the Nyul Nyul language name for the Kimberely version of the Kakadu plum. It is wild crafted from the Dampier Peninsula just north of Broome and is the highest natural source of Vitamin C on the planet) Both of these are available from the Mr Vitamins store
- Acerola cherry
- Red Peppers - add to stews, soups and salads.
- Guavas
- Kiwi fruit
- Goji berries
- Oranges - eat the flesh rather than just juicing.
- Strawberries
- Broccoli
- Tangerine
Vitamin C Supplements
For those people who are too busy or have an inadequate diet, supplementation is a good idea. Ask one of our Naturopath’s or Nutritionists about which one is right for your situation. A supplement is also good to take at times of stress.More ways to boost your immune system for Winter Wellness
- Sleep to restore and recuperate, no less than 7 hours is required,
- Eat turmeric and take a curcumin supplement, the active constituent in turmeric, it promotes cellular growth.
- Shitake, Rieshi and Maitake mushroom’s build resistance to viruses.
- Chicken soup. Chicken contains an amino acid called cysteine that breaks up congestion. It strengthens white blood cells. The broth is ultra hydrating. Add celery, onion, carrot and herbs to boost immunity.
- Zinc, most vegetarians need to supplement this mineral as their diet is basically plant based, which is good as it alkalises, but a substantial amount of nuts and legumes are needed to maintain zinc integrity. If supplementing adhere to 2 months on 1 month off, so not to overdose.
- Selenium is very important as most of us are depleted, as it is no longer found in our soil due to over farming. A good dietary source is Brazil nuts.
- Garlic is rich in sulphuric acid, eliminates bacteria. Use fresh as heat can destroy its potency.
- Probiotics, in our bodies. We have ten times more bacteria than we have cells, friendly bacteria not only attack pathogenic bacteria and fungi, they trigger appropriate white blood cells to kill bugs. With good intestinal flora you will enjoy optimal health.
- Chlorophyll, cleanses the blood, and purifies the body of toxic waste.
Poppy Osprey: Naturopath, Nutritionist and Herbalist
Poppy’s passion is Herbal Medicine. She believes in the intrinsic healing powers of herbs, and the fact that they get into the blood stream quickly, means that they are readily available wherever they are needed in your body. Herbs have been used by man since time began and are the basis of many well known pharmaceutical medicines used today - including those for winter wellness! Find out more about Poppy here- Kakadu Plum is available at Mr Vitamins
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